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Principles - Ray Dalio

See how the founder of Bridgewater Associates can help you achieve your goals, with principles that should provide everything you want in life!

Ray Dalio, known as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, developed principles based on his experiences and brought them all together in his book "Principles: Life and Work".

As he affirms, principles are fundamental truths  that serve as the basis for behavior that will provide what we want in our lives.

From this, he teaches how to apply them in life and work, facilitating decision-making processes and the achievement of personal goals.

Do you want to know more? Then, keep reading this summary and get inspired by Ray Dalio's valuable teachings!

About the book "Principles: Life and Work"

The book of Ray Dalio, "Principles: Life and Work", contains 592 pages and was published in 2017.

In the first part of it, the author presents his autobiography, sharing some of his experiences and how they were important to decide which principles he would follow in his life.

In the second part, Ray Dalio explains these principles and how they apply in life. Subsequently, he shows how they are applied in the workplace, using situations that occurred in his company, Bridgewater Associates , to exemplify.

About the author Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio is an American billionaire investor  and the founder of Bridgewater Associates  - considered the fifth most important private company in the United States by Forbes .

He was named one of the 100 most influential people on the planet, by Times , and one of the 100 richest people in the world, by Forbes .

To whom is this book indicated?

The book "Principles: Life and Work" is indicated for managers who want to become better leaders , entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to achieve personal and professional growth.

Main ideas of the book "Principles: Life and Work"

  • Failure only exists when we give up;
  • Dreams + Reality + Determination = A successful life;
  • Don't let pain get in the way of moving on;
  • Be concerned with achieving your goals and not what others think of you;
  • Take responsibility for your actions ;
  • Accept reality and deal with it;
  • The principles of work should be aligned with the principles of life for an organization to function well;
  • When a decision is made, everyone should support it, even if they disagree;
  • Be open-minded and assertive;
  • Understand that mistakes are part of the evolutionary process.

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[Book Summary] Principles: Life and Work - Ray Dalio

Overview: Where I come from

In the first part of the book "Principles: Life and Work", the author Ray Dalio tells about his life and career, mentioning the principles he learned through his mistakes  and weaknesses.

One of the weaknesses was when he lost so much money at his company that he had to fire all employees because he couldn't afford their salaries. After going through all the failure, Ray Dalio began to follow four principles, which made him increase profits in relation to the risks:

  • " Looking for the most intelligent people whose opinions I disagree in order to try to understand their reasoning ";
  • " Knowing the moment of not having an opinion ";
  • " Developing, testing, and systematizing timeless and universal principles ";
  • " Balancing risks so as not to deny good valuation potential while reducing the potential for devaluation ".

Another situation that the author exposed was when he asked for feedback from employees and realized that he needed to improve how he treated people. This way, he created the principles regarding the way of relating to others:

  • Openly expose our thoughts;
  • Dialog with respect  and be willing to change your opinion due to learning;
  • Establish in consensus a way to solve impasses (voting or having clear authorities, for example) and then leave them behind without any hard feelings.

Overview: Principles of life

Continuing the book "Principles: Life and Work", Ray Dalio presents his principles of life and shows how they are applied.

Accept reality as it is

If you face a problem, by knowing how to cope and learn from it, you can avoid it in the future.

At the same time, you must know how to face and overcome the obstacles  that arise along the way. Check out the main lessons of these principles:

  • Learn to enjoy the beauty in all possible scenarios;
  • Practice the truth;
  • Have an open mind and don't let the fear of what others think of you get in the way;
  • Learn how reality works - you can do this by analyzing nature;
  • Always seek development;
  • Understand how nature works and how it evolves;
  • Learn to deal with pain: "Pain + Reflection = Progress";
  • Focus on your goals and don't  give up as obstacles appear along the way;
  • Take on the responsibility of making good decisions  rather than complaining about the hindrance that may arise;
  • To achieve results, make an analysis and influence the cause and effect relationships that appear in life.

Use the "Five Step Process" to get what you want out of life

According to the book "Principles: Life and Work", to be successful you must always evolve and, for this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Set clear goals;
  2. Identify and don't tolerate the problems that stand in the way of these goals;
  3. Diagnose problems accurately to reach their root causes;
  4. Design plans to overcome them;
  5. Do what it takes for these projects to achieve results.

Therefore, these five steps form a cycle: the first step is to define what your goals are. When defining them, you will encounter problems along the way and, for that, you must decide how you are going to face them.

By diagnosing the problem, you will be able to identify what caused it. With that, you must "design" plans to overcome it and do everything to achieve success.

The author Ray Dalio emphasizes that no one can do these steps well and that it is necessary to trust people  and get help.

Also, he affirms that, if you follow the Five Step Process, you will be on your way to success.

Have a radically open mind

Ray Dalio teaches how to deal with the ego  and the blind spots that, for him, are barriers that come in the way of most people.

The ego barrier is the need for people to demonstrate that they are capable of accomplishing something and being recognized for it. Blind spots, on the other hand, is to see things through "subjective lenses".

In the book "Principles: Life and Work", it is explained how to recognize these barriers and overcome them, such as identifying the open-minded people from the closed-minded.

For the author, open-minded people can assess their strengths and weaknesses more accurately and can identify this in others.

Learn to make decisions efficiently

In the last chapter about the principles of life, the author Ray Dalio challenges the reader  to learn how to make good decisions, in a "systematic and repeatable" way. Here are some of the ideas:

  • The greatest threat in the decision-making process are harmful emotions ;
  • Learn first, then make a decision.
  • To become more efficient, you must be able to define what is and what is not important to you;
  • Use logic, reason, and common sense to make decisions;
  • Some decisions are more successful if taken immediately, but there are those that produce a better outcome if they are carefully evaluated.

Overview: Principles of work - Culture

The author Ray Dalio, through examples lived in his own company, Bridgewater Associates, teaches how to combine culture with need.

Rely on radical sincerity and transparency

Ray emphasizes in his book, "Principles: Life and Work", the importance of having a transparent and sincere relationship in the workplace, which is described as the model of the "meritocracy of ideas".

When everyone has the opportunity to listen to what others are thinking, through feedback , for example, learning increases, and points of improvement are developed.

Also, for an organization to be effective, members must all be aligned. As Ray Dalio says, alignment is a process of "getting in sync". And for that to happen, you must have an open mind and be assertive.

Ponder your decision-making process for credibility

Regardless of whether your organization's system has authoritarian decision-making, in which a leader acts from the top down, or if it is democratic, with everyone sharing opinions, it is essential to know how to filter ideas  well and use those that most suit the situation.

Overview: Principles of work - People

The author Ray Dalio addresses the importance of choosing the right people to work for a company.

Choosing people who are aligned with the company's culture is essential to maintain collective harmony and ensure success.

The company must be able to define which characteristics are essential for an excellent performance in a given function and must know well the person designated to do it. With the best people at their functions , the chances of the company being successful are great.

Hire well: Bad hires are super damaging

According to the book "Principles: Life and Work", one of the most common mistakes companies make is failure in hiring .

In the selection process, it is necessary to check how the candidates really are, if they have the profile, the competence, and ability for a certain function. Align what the company expects from the candidates and vice versa.

Train, test, evaluate, and filter people constantly

Ray Dalio believes that there should be continuous training, testing, and evaluation after the person is hired.

And that, if employees don't perform well after training and working for a while, it is time to fire them. However, they must be promoted if they obtain satisfactory results.

Finally, the author defends the idea that, if there is no governance , nothing that has been taught will be effective. He conceptualizes governance as a "supervisory system that removes individuals and processes that are not working well".

What do other authors say about it?

In the book, "The Hard Thing About Hard Things" , Ben Horowitz presents his experiences on how to overcome difficult times when you are the leader of a company. Also, he explains why being a CEO is one of the most difficult and lonely tasks there is and gives tips on how to exercise that role.

Chris Zook and James Allen's book, "The Founder's Mentality" , links the growth of organizations with the increase in associated complexity, explaining the three main crises that may arise as a consequence.

Finally, in the book "Scaling Up" , the author Verne Harnish gives some tips for the search of continuous improvements, such as the constant feedback of the employee, in order to identify obstacles and opportunities for improvement, and a communication well established, making the flow of information within the organization fast and accurate.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Reflect and decide which of the principles of Ray Dalio are valuable to you and will guide your decision-making from now on.

With that, apply them in your life systematically for the best results!

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